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Completing the base

Welcome back.

We are about halfway through completing our first base in this lesson. We're going to go ahead and complete this base with additional information we need about each candidate. And while we do that we're going to explore five new field types: attachments,  multiple selects, currency, numbers and rating. Here we go.

In the first video created new fields by using the plus button on the right of all of our existing columns. Instead of using that we're going to use this expanded record functionality that's on the left of each row. And what this does is it shows us the same row in vertical fashion instead of horizontal. It makes it very convenient when we want to specifically see the information that's relative to one candidate. So I still have their name their status track email date of entry date of interview and it also has a way of adding new fields to the table that will apply to every single row in our table.

So let's go ahead and do that and the next column or field we want to add is a way for us to upload a candidate's CV directly into our base. So we're going to call it CV. And this is called the attachment field. So an attachment field allows you to really to upload any type of information into any table the attachment field removes the need for something like Dropbox or Google cloud to store our candidates CV as we can upload them directly into any table and Airtable will host them for us. And while we're here let's explore this little left panel which gives you other options for uploading files. So Airtable integrates with a bunch of cloud storage providers with the main cloud storage provider such as Google Dropbox and Box and you can link your account to one of those cloud storage providers with your airtable account making the files that you've uploaded there accessible here. We're gonna go ahead and upload it manually from my local storage. So I'm going to go ahead and upload John Smith's CV confirm and that CV is uploaded and I can also access it or see a preview directly from the record. You click on it and see a larger preview and our table would do that with most file types that you upload into an attachment field type. All right let's click out of the record view.

So now we have the name status email data of entry dean of interview and their CV it's uploaded to their table.

The next field you want to add is a expected salary field and we're going to use the currency field type and the currency field type is pretty simple. You have a currency symbol this is something you can input so you can put euros if you work in euros or the dollar sign. Since this is going to be a expected salary we don't need that high position so we're not going to add any decimal points. We won't allow negative numbers. People don't pay us to work for us. In this case we won't have a default for the field but you can put a default number here. Let's go ahead and say that easy now. We have an expected salary let's say. John Smith expects to make one hundred thousand.

The next field we want to add are that candidate's credentials. So these are their educational credentials and their professional titles that they have. We're going to use a multiple select. multiple select works very similarly to a single select but you are allowed to select multiple options among those that are provided. So let's do bachelors masters CFA CPA CPA or see a CPA. There we go. And then let's say select an option. Save. John Smith has a bachelor's degree has a master's degree and a C a credential.

And the last field we're going to add for now is rating. And this will be a rating that's 1 to 5 that is going to be for candidates that make it to the interview phase and the interviewer will be able to rate them zero to five. Now in the basic version you can only select the start if you go to premium. There are multiple options that you can use the rating with and then we're going to use it one to five where you can have a scale of up to 10. So how this works is that you can start one to five but since John hasn't gone through the interview which leave it blank for now.

So we've gone from not knowing what air table or a base or a table was to having our first base completed with candidates. So we've explored single texts single line text inputs single selects email field types data creation input dates attachment currency multiple multi selects and rating. So with this I wanted to show you the wide variety of field types that Airtable provides and before the next lesson I'm going to go ahead and add a bunch of candidates to our first base and in the next section we're going to explore how this top nav bar allows us to categorize and better manage our information once our bases or our tables get a little more full.

So I'll talk to you soon.


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4 years ago
This is the actual comment. It's can be long or short. And must contain only text information.
No Name
2 years ago
This is the actual comment. It's can be long or short. And must contain only text information.
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