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Since our last lesson I've gotten a lot of applicants for my open finance manager position. We're now up to 20 people who want to apply for that position and it's starting to get difficult. Looking at all of them at once and trying to manage them from this sheet. Luckily Airtable provides a bunch of tools to help us manage and organize our information in this sheet. Most of those tools - filter, grouping, sorting - can be found on this top nav bar and that's what we'll be exploring in this lesson and throughout the section.
The filter allows you to reduce the number of records that you see to the ones that correspond to certain criteria. So instead of viewing the whole table you'll only see the records that you care about and that you want to work with. At that moment before I jump into it let me just pick something that's been bugging me for a while. We should always name our tables. So I'm going to call this Candidates. And I will be coming back to this view functionality in later and this sharing functionality but I will show you the height field so this field allows you to show and hide certain fields and allows you to move them left and right. So you'll see I moved the date of entry I can move it here and I can move it back to the end and which is going to hide the data entry field because we won't be working with it in this session or the following sessions.
So let's add our first filter and our table tells us there are no filters applied to this view. Let's try to filter on candidates that are new in my pipeline. So how do we do that is Airtable provides this little sentence that I like to read as "show me candidates where" and then you'll have a field type or a column. In our case we want status. So "show me candidates where status is" and then our options. I want new candidates and Airtable filters according to that sentence. So it's taken my table and is only showing me the new candidates in my pipeline. And at this moment I can say OK I'm going to go through the new ones and move the ones that are interesting to interview and then reject the ones that don't correspond to our profile.
So if I click out my table is now filtered on status is new. That is why it's highlighted in green. And that's why I have one filter here I can edit records. And so I can move them to interview and when I do
Airtable tells me that this record will now be filtered and will no longer be visible in my table while this filter is active. So John Smith I moved him to the interview phase and then when I click you'll see John Smith is no longer there.
Our filters so far have had one criteria but let's push this a little further. But we'd also like to add "candidates where status is new" AND (you can can also have an or which I'll show you in a minute) and expected salary (because expected salary is a currency or a number the operator is different so I can say equals doesn't equal less than greater than less than equal greater equal is empty). So I want candidates where I know the salary is too high for the position. So let's say this position has a maximum of 150 thousand. So I want to filter on candidates over 150000 and I see that Douglas is expecting a salary that is too high. So I'm going to move Douglas into the rejected and it's going to tell me that record is going to be filtered out.
That's great.
And now I don't have any candidates in the new pile that salaries expectations are too high.
So let's quickly explore the difference between the end and or operator. So let me change this for OR and you see that I don't only have candidates that are now in the new status I also candidate rejected interview. So when we read it, it actually makes a lot of sense as they show me candidates where status is new or their expected salary is over one hundred fifty thousand. So this adds to the candidates in the new pile. Any candidate that has an expected salary over one hundred fifty thousand in any status. So this shows us candidates that are in the interview or rejected status but that have an expected salary over one hundred thousand.
So in this lesson we look at how the filter functionality can help us reduce the number of records in our table so we can better manage or analyze the information in it. I won't be going through filtering on each field type but I do encourage you to copy this template or this base into your workspace and play around with the filter functionality before our next lesson where we're going to explore the group functionality.
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