Let's Play with Airtable's Interface Designer

Airtable just released interfaces! Let's play around with them



All right. Hello everyone. I'm uh, it's been a while since I've done a solo stream. Uh, so yeah, so we got some familiar faces in the chat. We've got Colleen penny, Darren, welcome Rebecca, uh, you know, name. I definitely recognize a bunch of names. I definitely recognize, um, Yeah, I thought I was starting the stream by telling you how woefully unprepared I am for it.

So, uh, what I'm hoping we do today is actually, um, get a sense of what you want to build on interface designer, right? So I've had a little bit of time obviously of playing around with it and, uh, the possibilities are endless. So I wanted to spend today just building interfaces. So what I was hoping we start with is just a quick overview of what is interface designer, how to think about.

Then, uh, asking you what you want to build. Right. So I have a little poll running, uh, and let me see, uh, so we've got project tracker, CRM, content, calendar, other, uh, you know, drop your use case in the chat. Um, and yeah, I was thinking of starting, like, we can start with a template, build interfaces together.

Uh, if you're like, Hey, I want to see like the buttoned up version of interface designer in the stream. Uh, Come tomorrow, uh, to Table Talk, uh, where we're going to have a much more buttoned up, uh, you know, uh, stream. So, uh, so Hey, Matthew, uh, actually choose your inventor is a really interesting one because I did see an interface where someone builds a haunted house.

Uh, so Alex colleague at air table built the haunted house on interface designer, which was, uh, quite impressive. So, um, Yeah, let me, let me just do something here. There we go. Okay. Uh, Hey Jeremy, welcome. So yeah, so make sure to vote. It seems like project tracker is in the lead, but I'm sure we can definitely, uh, you know, reverse the trend if you're interested in CRM, content, calendar, or other, uh, this is my practice.

True. This is app. So everything I do here is just preparation for. Um, but at least here you kind of get, I think, see me make mistakes in a little more so than I do on Table Talk and it's a lot of fun and it's practice for me. So I really enjoy, uh, y'all joining and I do have some surprises for you all for the stream in particular.

Um, Hey, so we've got data lakes welcome as our Rubin. Welcome, excited to have you here as well. Um, so w while everyone's kind of filling out the poll and let me know in the chat, what you're hoping out of interface the diner. If you have any questions, I wanted to start with a little bit of theory around, you know, what, how you should think about interface designer.

Uh, so I'm going to bring out my new, this is new on the stream, which is, uh, the ability to have a little whiteboard. So, uh, um, Irritable in let's start like an application, right? An application has three parts to it, right. It has a, what we call a backend data store. This is where your information is stored.

Then you have like a layer of, of, of, of, um, of logic, right. So who gets to see what right. Uh, and then. On the front end. You have like what people actually see. So if I, if I kind of drill this down, so my, my handwriting is poor. Uh, so again, your patience is, is, is very, uh, appreciated here as I learn how to use this new toy, uh, that I have here.

So what is, what does an app, right. So when, you know, when we talk about apps, man, Awful. Um, the apps we interact with, like, I, I used the word app globally. Like Airtable is an app. Uh, uh, Twitter is an app. Everything is an app, right? So you've got at the core, you know, this layer of data and the equivalent in air table is a base, right?

Uh, um, no, Jeremy, my writing is horrible across the board, right? Whether it's an, in a. In an iPad or otherwise. Um, and, and so you like Twitter has the data, right? So everything we tweet or user information, right. And in Airtable that has been your base. Um, and then th the layer on top of that, if you will, as your routing of information, right.

So let's say purchase something. And then, uh, you know, that sends me an email. It does some time of, uh, there's a layer between my day. And what people see, uh, and you know, people call this like, um, you know, business logic, right? So at some kind of routing, wow. That is poorly written. So logic, I'm just going to rewrite that, like that.

There we go. How's the audio, when I lean in is it is a bad, um, oh, so actually this should be in the thing. Right? So let me just read right. That there we go. The middle is. And an air table, you know, that's automations.

Um, however, when you think about it, automations lives on top of your data, which is kind of weird, right? Because most apps, users, people viewing the information are not actually updating the underlying, you know, a database. So when I go on Twitter or I don't know, Twitter is probably a bad example, but I'm not like adding to the database of.

And then, you know, uh, Twitter is like, oh great. You've added to the database of tweets. Let's, let's tweet it out. Right. That's not what happens. You actually interact with applications through interfaces, right. And interfaces are what you, as an end user can see right now. So far, a lot of productivity apps, you know, I think of Excel, uh, um, I think of different stuff.

Um, notion, whatever your, the data is, the. Right. So you have to give people access to your data in order for them to have an interface for which you use your application. So the third layer, and this is what air table launch recently I was going to do here. Let's let's move this out of the way. I kind of liked how it was run.

So this is automations and the third kind of square here is interface.

So I actually think maybe a better example might be what flow. Right? So what flows data is that CMS? Right. And me as a, as a website visitor, I don't get access to the data. I don't get to add CMS items. What I see is the interface. It is that front end, right? So you've got a data layer. You've got your logic.

Then you've got an interface. What we'll call a front end. Uh, and this is an irritable, this is our country. Now, you know, the analogy between apps and, uh, Airtable, uh, kind of breaks down at this point, right? So before, as a user, you would have to go, let me move my, you would have to go here. Right. And how you would interact is with views, right?

So that's how you would see information. And then you could input information through. So those were the two ways of viewing your information and building on top of your base through the data data layer. And then you could have automations on top. You know, what interfaces does it actually lets you have abstraction of your data.

So now when people want to add information or view a specific level of information, they're actually going to come here, fewing updated.

And inputting and so creates a distinction between the different types of users. So you can be a kind of backend like a database builder, right? Building your database in the backend and creating the. You can build the automations and then give an interface to different stakeholders. Maybe they just want to see, you know, uh, how you're doing objectives or maybe they just want to kind of update what tweets or what information they need to update for their role in the workflow.

So it is a little bit. Different right. Then a lot of applications in the you control kind of the whole stack, right? So you control the data layer, you control what people see, you can build the automations and then build the interfaces for those different stakeholders. So today I'm going to do, hopefully in 45 minutes, go from like beginning to end, uh, where we're going to start with a to-do list, a project tracker and build interfaces on top of it, uh, based on the different stakeholders we might have in our work.

So hopefully let me know. I'm like, I'm like really curious, uh, if, uh, this little, uh, white board or beige board I should say, uh, is useful. So I'm hoping to bring it out, especially when I talk about base structure, especially when I talk about, uh, layouts and things like that. I think this little, um, yeah, this little whiteboard is useful, so yeah.

Let me know. Okay. So let me go to the poll. Our next item here on the agenda is what is our use case. So if you haven't voted, go ahead and vote. Uh, so project tracker and to dues is number one right now, uh, by, you know, quite a large margin. So let's go ahead and do that. So I'm going to end the poll.

Appreciate everyone who answered. Uh, cool. So project tracker is what we're going to do today. Um, okay. I guess when I kind of talked about project tracker, I'm going to, I'm going to start with a template. Right. Um, what are the different stakeholders that interact with projects? Right. So you have a project manager, you might have a VP overseeing that you might people have in creating tasks and updating tasks.

Um, so, you know, let me know in the chat, I'm curious because like, again, like I don't, I, I'm not a project. I'm just a poor streamer, uh, who are the different people that we would need to build interfaces for. So we'll start with the data later, which was our basis or the template. We'll talk a little bit about the automations we could build on top, and then let's go ahead and build an interface for the different stakeholders.

But what I'm hoping in the chat is like, who are those different stakeholders we should be building interfaces for. Cool. Okay. So let's go back to my base. There we go. Let's go. Like our simple project. Uh, project. Okay. Project tracker. Let's see this basis structure. Okay. So this is, uh, design projects. So, and then we've got client.

So each project is associated to different clients. Let me actually, let me bring this into my, create my account. How long have I not been irritable?

Huh? This is weird. Let me just go here.

I spend my whole day in air table. So that shouldn't happen. There we go. Boom, use template.

Let's add it to my personal workspace. That's actually audit to the "Automate All the Things" that way I can give you guys a link. Okay. So we've got client as a stakeholder data inputers project manager, executives. Okay. So interesting. Like task doers, right? Uh, that's one interface. Like I have a task assigned to me.

Right. So maybe I'm Jordan, maybe I'm Bailey. And I want to see the tasks assigned to me and update that information. Right. So something like completed and then maybe a sidebar tasks associated to me. I want to see like project timelines, right. We have a start date and an end date. So, uh, maybe I want to see how we're doing across those, like a project, you know, maybe we want to chart of who's responsible for each project that feels about right.

Uh, and then maybe like, I want to, as a creator of tasks, I want to be able to add task, remove task, uh, comment, right. Be able to say like, Hey, this is going well, this is not going well. Um, Then, uh, uh, clients, right? So someone mentioned clients. This might be more of like, how much are we making? How many clients have we signed recently?

There's not that much information in this table right here. Uh, but that's okay. Okay, cool. So let's go ahead and start building an interface for, I think the core one, which would be the task, right? So that ability to see tasks associated. To yourself or to anyone in teams. So let's do that as our first one.

Um, and then we can kind of talk about executives and, you know, the higher level folks. Okay. So we're going to go into interfaces. Let's start building. Okay. So this is a group of interface. So I'm going to call this, uh, project management again, what's your bad at, in air table trends. Like to interpret, like I'm bad at naming things.

And so I'm bad at naming groups of interfaces. Okay. So this is, you know, uh, interfaces to manage our projects, tasks, oversight. Okay. Boom. Okay. And so now we have a group. Now we need to create interfaces. Those are individual kind of pages, interactive pages that folks can interact. So let's create a new page.

Yup. Yup. Yup. Okay. So there are three, uh, uh, how to say there are three templates you can start from record review, uh, which is, uh, you know, almost an inbox filter. So you can see what folk things are assigned to you or to different people. Dashboard is that high level information. Record summary, lets you pick the record and see all of the details associated to it.

Now what's important is that you're not confined to these. These are a starting point, but nothing stops you from creating a, in a, a chart on a record review or adding record summaries on different elements. So these templates are not, uh, um, you know, Once you're using them. They're not, uh, limited to the type that you've selected, but it is a good starting point, especially, uh, um, what you are building.

So let's go ahead and start with record review. Um, cool. And let's go ahead and associate this to tasks, right? So my first, um, interface, I want to build ease for those tasks. Uh, create like the people doing the task, right. So they can filter down. So right now I'm not going to filter anything in the record sidebar.

Right. And let's just start from a blank slate. So I'm saying don't pull in any of the associated fields to any record or to any task that I select. And I'm using the, the kind of, uh, I'm just adding the name. We can actually remove that as well. There we go. So I'm going to call this task management. Okay.

Cool. So, uh, before we start adding elements here, we have our record list, right? So this is those, all of the records in our template. So let me open a side-by-side with the base.

Okay. So I'm seeing every single task, right? The final task, another task, first task, battery supplies. All from here are now here. Now this is, you know, almost like a table view it's so it's not that different. I'm not filtering down. However, let's go ahead and start assigning these, like either two. I have two accounts here that are both me.

So let me actually go ahead and invite Coleen to this space. It's going to hide my base for a second. Here. There you go. That way we have three people.

As I said, okay. So Colleen, welcome to my base. You are now I'm assigning tasks to you. You basically do all the work for the stream. Anyway, I just show up. So I'd only make sense that you're also here. Cool. Uh, okay. And then if I come here, maybe what I want to see. Is there a due date, right? There's no duty.

Let's add a due date. Let's make this a date field

26. It's not worry too much. Let's give these a few days.

Right. And so what I want here is I want to see that due date under like, almost as a primary record, like part of my primary. So what I can see here, let me actually go through this. So first I can filter down, right? So I can filter this record summary to say, you know, filter a record summary by where, uh, assignee is not.

Right. That makes sense. I don't want any tasks that are not assigned. That's our first condition right here. It doesn't change anything because we've assigned all of our tasks. Uh, I want to sort this by due date, uh, for this, uh, nearest to furthest, right. So that's just how I want to sort, and I want to add the due date, right?

Maybe I want to add. And it adds it underneath, right. So it's almost like saying, okay, you have that primary field, which is the title of your record, but then can you add additional elements? Right. So right away, you can see that information. And I also want to see assignee. Great. Okay. So I can see that Colleen has been assigned the final tasks, so on and so forth.

And what is happening here is that, you know, I can just select these nothing happens. So how do we make the rest of the interface dynamic based on this right here. Add elements. And you notice that there are two elements. If you will, there are all elements. And these are essentially, um, uh, not static elements, but they are different elements that you can add to your interface.

But because I have this record list, I can start adding fields that are tied to this record list. So let's say I want to add this completed, right? As an element. And I can see that the final task has not been completed. And as I cycle through, I can see at this right here, updates based on the record that I've selected.

Right. So not completed, but there's always going to pop up, let me put it to the right here like that. Right. And here let's, let's start building this out. Like what information, uh, do I want to add, uh, the associated press. And what I want here. And this is a linked record, right? So maybe linked records might be a little intense.

Let's start with something a little easier, a time estimate. I can change, uh, the label time estimate days that make sense. I can make this larger. There we go. Let's make this a little bit smaller. Okay. Sub tasks. That's a rich text field. Boom. I want that. Okay. And then let's do design project. And what I would just want is the field itself.

So I can see what's project it's associated to, it's actually moved this up. Just makes more sense of peer. And now one thing is that I'm not only bad at naming things. I'm also bad at designing. Uh, so folks who spent years building and pages, diner, you are going to be miles ahead. When it comes to interfaces, right.

You're going to be professionals and I've seen some of the interfaces that folks have already built. Uh, so that's super exciting. So if you've, if you've done the work in, in, in interface, uh, in page designer, you are going to be a professional, uh, of interfaces. Um, okay. So let me add like a little, uh, at the top.

I also want the name and I want to put it right here. All right. Let's make this a large and let's move it a little bit to the right. No, I have to move everything else to the right. Let's actually make this larger, make this larger boom. Okay, so now we're, we're we're, we're what we've essentially done is made a way to view all of the records information.

Let me preview. And then I could kind of cycle through and see all of my records. This is not very different from creating a view that has all of those fields. Right. Right. Now we don't have a filter. We don't have any of that stuff. We're just saying, show me the records, the fields in this way. Uh, and that's not so different from.

However, uh, first you don't need to understand the air table. I think that's really, what's valuable here is that, you know, this is intuitive to me. I'm just kind of coming and I'm like, yeah, research other coffee, packaging, you know, that's the task associated to me. And I can see the information anyway, that is, you know, frankly much more intuitive if I've never been inherit table, which is amazing.

So from here, let's actually make a way for information to be updated. So let me turn the preview. And I want this completed to be editable. So all I do is I click on that. I make that edible, it comes here and now if I have the permission to edit information in the underlying base, I can update this field to say that this is completed.

I can also change the label to say, is this done? You know, similar to a form. Um, there we go. I can change the estimate. Right. So estimate in days I can change that. And it also makes test that I edit the sub tasks, but not the design project. Right. So now if I preview, I can go ahead and update and say, this has done in our research, other coffee packaging.

If I come down right here, you can see that it's completed. And if I expand the record, I can add that completed check mark there. Uh, or I see that it's done. And I also know who. Right. So I know that I am the person who updated this underlying task and, you know, you might feel like, oh, what is the difference between, you know, doing this in a view and doing this here?

Well, here, I have to actually explain what a view is. I have to come in and I have to explain this. This might be an unfamiliar UI. However, here I control all of the experience. Right. And let's kind of dig deeper and go deeper into what we mean by controlling that experience. One thing that I find particularly cool.

Oh, cool. It's not the right word, like, like really useful, um, is let's go ahead and get out of preview. Is what could we add comments? Right. So a lot of people will want to chat about a task tag people. And today for going into a comment, you had to expand the record, know that it's here in the right and it's bundled with other activity.

However, in interface design, Comments are a, um, element themselves. So I'm going into record list. Right? So picking that record, that's showing here, I'm going to record comments. Let's say I want to put it here on the right. So I'm saying on the right. I want to see all the comments for that specific record.

So this is creating a grouping between these two. And all I have to do is move these into that. Like that, boom, let's make this a little bit smaller. And now I have, uh, those comments on the right, right next to the information itself. And like I'm changing the way that information is shown. I can also give it a little background here.

Let's give it a lonely field blue background. Pro-tip here. This blue is because I've set the icon to blue. That's why I have blue as an option. So now this is kind of, you know, getting closer. I can add comments, right. I can update the information that's relevant. And I have this nice little interface that lets me update my tasks.

Uh, so, so, um, I've talked a lot. I'm curious, like, do you folks understand or do you understand, do you see the. Of providing an interface versus a view, uh, or even a form. And I'll take a moment here to like, take questions, to see where we build. Uh, I have a few things I want to improve on this one. Uh, but curious to get a sense of, uh, uh, uh, how people are, how you are interpreting this interface so far.

I haven't done a solo stream in a while. I mean, where are we? Boom. Interface. That's where we are. Um, so

yeah. Um, um, yeah, so I think, you know, as people coming, like, as you come to this stream, you're obviously someone who's familiar with the Airtable interface, uh, 99% of people out there have never, uh, Heard of air table or, you know, they're not, they're not like us, if you will, they don't necessarily enjoy being any face.

Uh, and so, uh, um, um, this is a much more intuitive, interesting way of viewing information. So there are great question for Matthew around. Can you create records from an interface? Uh, so the answer is yes. Uh, not easily. Uh, but I've, you know, we've given that feedback to the team. So let me talk about two ways you could, uh, create records.

Uh, and then we'll talk a little bit about, uh, let me do the improvements on this one. Um, and then we'll do how to add records. Uh, no penny, very few people. It is, uh, Uh, I actually think most people shouldn't be irritable geeks. Like I love this idea of just giving people what they need. You know, people will sometimes parachute me into a base and be like, and I'm like, oh my God, what do I, what can I click on?

What can I click on, uh, with an interface? You, you, you don't have that fear, right? If you bring me into an interface, I'm like, I get it. I understand what it's for. And I could use it. Uh, um, Uh, much more intuitively than you should drop me into a base. And, you know, I consider myself pretty good at air table.

Uh, and so this is much more intuitive for most folks, including myself. So, um, so Matthew, I will show you how to create records, uh, and knowing you, uh, um, we can do, we can do the geeky way. We can get some pretty cool ways of, of, of doing some stuff. Okay. So the, the one thing I want to improve on this is that, well, right now, No matter who I am in this workflow, whether I'm Colleen, whether I'm myself or the second version of myself, I view all tasks, right?

And one limitation of views. I wouldn't say a limitation. Is this, that one thing that doesn't when primitive, that doesn't exist on views is the ability to say, well, could I only view my tasks without having to create a view for each stakeholder or each class? So in air table, what you can do, uh, let's go into here.

Let's take this record picker and let's go to the filter and I could create a new filter element. Actually know let's actually add a condition. This is saying for this record picker right now, we won't show any records where there is no me what I can also. So where assign me.

Is current user, right? So this is saying, thinking that interface, right? So when I go to my web Stripe dashboard or member stack profile, or, or I sign into Twitter, I really should have picked a better analogy. Um, you know, I always see my account information or only see the tweets of people I've decided to follow.

So this is that same thing was saying only show tasks. Of the user, uh, that is currently viewing, uh, this, uh, interface. So I don't actually need where viewer is not empty. So now if I go into preview and I view as Colleen, Colleen has her three tasks, and then if I view as myself, I have my tasks as well.

Yeah, exactly. So this is a dynamic filter based on who is looking at the interface. Um,

yeah, so Anna you're saying, could we see tasks associated to that project? Right. So instead of seeing at the task level, you might want to have projects as your record. Uh, let's actually do that in a bit. Let's actually, that'll be the second one we do, which will be record picker, and then we can do dashboard.

We've got twenty-five minutes. So that's a really good suggestion. So right now, just coming back to this filter idea, um, is now I'm filtering the record picker based on who's viewing the interface. So, uh, this is, uh, like a huge difference, right? So now I come to embrace, not only do I, uh, kind of have that task and that intuitive way of looking at the different.

I also, uh, am kind of, uh, limited to the tasks that I'm assigned to now, those one way of doing it. So what I want to show you before we jump into the project level overview is that right now, my filter is on the record list itself. This does not allow a person going into the interface and picking their own filter.

Right. So that's not ideal. What I might love as someone having a filter at the top that says, well, show me my tasks or maybe show me all tasks. Right. So let's go ahead and remove this filter. So I'm going to go back to where assignee, uh, is not empty. So this has all tasks. And if I go into add elements and I go all elements, I can add a.

So this is saying, create a filter that people can pick and associated to different elements. So right now it's not associated to anything. Um, so I want to add where assignee, so what is this? This is I wanted to, so I'm associating this filter to tasks, right? And I'm saying Addie condition where. Oh, assignee is, and then I could select a collaborator.

So I'm going to leave it as is, and let's make this kind of make this a little larger. Not, I don't think I can. So it's just right here. And then I want to connect this to my record list. So this is saying if someone comes into this interface right, and creates a filter. Filter this associated element at an everything that's associated on the right, this right.

This field view is associated to this record. It's going to go ahead and show all information for that record so that doesn't change. So let's go preview. Let's see what this means. So I'm saying, okay. I want to see assignees that like, I want to see Coleen's tasks. Uh, um, right, so now I have a filter whenever I filter.

All associated elements filter as well. Right. So I can say, okay, show me Aaron's tasks or show me current user, which is myself. Oh, well this one kind of it just as if it was Coleen, right? Cause I'm previewing. So now you can add a filter that's associated to, you can associate filter to elements, which will then create a kind of, uh, I'll also try to thought there, you could associate elements.

You can associate filters to elements, uh, which will then kind of cascade. So this record, this is always showing whatever is picked here, and this filter is associated to this. So particularly useful. Maybe you have like charts where you want to say, okay, well, show me the deals we did in the last three months that are Jeff's and, uh, you know, that are associated to this product.

So you can create all of these filters. So I can do many more. I could also say like, uh, add another element where a time estimate, you know, uh, is not empty or is greater than, right. So you are kind of creating all of the filters that you want people to input. And then, uh, um, they can pick and in different elements that are associated to those filters will filter themselves.

Um, Absolutely. So these filters are not tied to any, uh, so right now I have these two to the test table, but I can add another filter element, right. That that's tied to projects. And if I have multiple elements based on different tables, those will update based on the filters. Okay. Okay. So I think we get the record review.

I want to get into, uh, the. Right. So let's go into dashboarding. Uh, so let's go ahead and delete those. Actually. You just go in and build another one. Let's go into create new dashboard. Okay. And what kind of dashboard do we want? Right. So do I have any kind of single select? Okay. So I have a category. So let's go ahead and kind of create a graph that says, uh, amount of, uh, um, projects we have for a selected category.


I can do how many tasks, right. Do I have, how many completed projects have we done? I'm wondering if there's like a math number, right. So time spent, right? So it's you are you little roll up here?

So do you ever associate a task? I do, but like, not that many. So time spent is a roll-up on tasks for estimate, and it's going to be the sum of the values. Okay, there we go. Boom, boom, boom. Okay. Um,

okay, so let's go into design projects. Let's go into, uh, let's create that interface. Let's not, I want to build these numbers myself. Okay. Let's keep the filter at the time.

Okay, so let's go project, project dashboards.

Okay. So before we do the filter, let's start kind of adding in charts. So not a chart, actually let's do a number. Let's do a big number first. Let me delete this. Okay. Let's do a number. So I want. What do I want, what do I want, what do I want? I want number of projects. So it's going to be account, right? So this is number of projects.

So we're saying, okay, go to design projects. Don't filter. We're going to create a filter in a bit. And I want just the record count. Okay. Green, what do I want this to be? Yeah, green seems fine. It seems fine. And then I also want another number. Let's make this like two by two again. I wish I was better at making like nice dashboards.

I feel like that's such a good skill, you know, that I don't have. Um, and let's go field summary. Let's go into.

Time spent and let's do a sum. So this is saying some, all the time spent. So 19 days that's across all of our, uh, projects today, we have an associated this to any filter. Okay. And then let me see if this works, let's see completed tasks. So another big number. And let's go into no filter field summary complete, and then I want percent checked.

So we've got about 69% of our, uh, tasks done. Now, this is pretty cool for like, I don't know if there's, I'm sure there's like, like a lot of, oh, G air table users. Summary type percent checked exists, then you don't need to create a formula field or a roll-up that rolls up all of the different completed tasks, uh, easily like a huge unlock for me.

Cause this is a Mac. You remember when you were saying like, oh, how do I sum all of the, uh, um, you know, elements in or all of the records? All of the fields have a record of it in a table. Uh, you actually had to, uh, do that. Uh, with a formula field. So now you have percent checked, which is a summary type.

Okay. Now what I would love from here is let's associate that to a category. So I want to, I want the user to come in and be able to say only show me statistics for a certain category. So let's go ahead and add a filter. So here I already had in filter. And let's go ahead and add a where category is. Okay.

And we're going to leave it blank for now. And if I pick one, you'll notice that the underlying dashboard does not update. Right. And that's because I haven't associated these elements to that filter. So I can go here and filter and associated to an existing filter. Right. So now. Uh, suicide eating these two things.

Can I name this differently? No, it's just filter. Okay. From here. Let's go ahead and say, well, same thing here. I want to associate this to that. Uh, and let's go ahead and, uh, filter and connect the existing filter and connect here as well.

Cool. So now as a user comes in to this. And selects different, you know, metrics that they care about or different categories. They're able to see things that are relevant to that specific, uh, filter. And before these were either multiple views or multiple dashboards or kind of different, uh, dashboards with all of their own apps, but this dynamic making it filter is really, really cool.

So now there was a question of like, how do I then see each individual? That's potentially associated to these metrics. So I'm going to take, I only have 12 minutes here, so I want to take that third, which is the project overview and actually bring it into this dashboard. So let's come back here. Let's add a record picker element.

So let's add a record picker and let's make this full width.

And here, it's kind of saying like, okay, well you've filtered down into brand identity. The first thing let's tie. If I just don't do anything and preview this, it just says, okay, like which record from the project design projects table. Do you want to pick, I want this to be tied to this only show me brand identity projects when I do this drop down.

So we go here. It's UNPRI view. Come here. Let's filter and connect to that filter. So this is saying if I've picked brand identity, only show me brand identity projects. So I have six, I have six here and we could see the six here as well from here. I want to see maybe, uh, you know, a grid of all of these.

Maybe I want to, what do I want to see? Like what. Uh, elements around each project, uh, their images who's responsible. Right. So let's go ahead and start adding that information that's associated to that project. So year, because I've had this dynamic element, it's one of the elements in my element picker, and I could say, okay, what client it's associated to?

Let's add the.

I can see, uh, steps of completion. Yeah, absolutely. That's a really good one. Let's absolutely do that. So in the record picker, the way this is done right now is through tasks, right? So that's a task. Let's make sure coffee packaging is picked in our example. So we have some tasks associated coffee packaging.

Great. And then let's go into record picker and let's add tasks. And I want the field.

So here I have all outstanding, I've all tasks that could make this editable. So folks can add a record. So if you're adding linked records, you can go ahead and do that. And add records, associate like start adding tasks, right? Uh, you can also have like for this specific project. How many percent of the underlying tasks have we completed, right?

Because you can say, I think you could do this. Let me see if I can do this. I can add a number. I'm glad Cody's here because if I make mistakes, Cody's gonna cut. He's going to help me out. So I'm saying, okay, go to the record picker and field his tasks. And I want a summary on the checkbox completely. And I want percent checked.

And if I understand this right, it should give me zero for any one. That is, well, right now, it's still working. There we go.

Let me see what if I pick a different project that has tasks.

I might've broken interfaces. There we go. Okay. So it works. Might just take a little bit of time. Here we go. Um, the check should be zero. So let me see what's going on here, dupe. Oh, I guess it's zero over zero. Okay. So unchecked, there we go. Oh, it's because this is connected to record, record picker and to.

Task. Yeah, that makes sense completed. And if I check this underlying task,

let me see what so task. Okay. That makes sense. Okay. So let's keep going here. So what were the other, so if I go preview and I say, okay, show me industrial design. I see that we have for industrial design. I can see those. I can go into the underlying project and start adding tasks. So I can say, okay, I can either associate an existing one or I can add a new record.

Hmm. Oh, that brings me into the underlying base. Right. So I would have to, oh, let's go publish this.

What if I audio record here?

Okay. It adds an empty record. That is unassociated here. That's what I expected to do. Yeah, that makes sense. Okay. Uh, so the question from, I know we have five minutes here. Were there any other questions or on this specific, uh, interface, so you can add elements, you can associate filters each other. Uh, so publish what published does is that it lets you invite people, right?

So if you change something, once you publish. You have this share button and you can invite folks to the dashboard. Now what's really important. Uh, it invites people to the underlying basis. Well, so let's say, uh, I could, uh, who could I invite, uh, let me just see, let me hide my base here and just make sure I can invite myself.

Okay. And let's share this again. Um, so when you invite someone, so let's have an inviting my corporate account, uh, it's specifies that they're going to be invited to the underlying base as well. So right now the permissions on interfaces are tied to the permissions on the underlying base. So I saw some questions of like, can I share an interface publicly?

And the answer is no. Every person that has access to the interface has access to the underlying base. It's important that this is a beta, uh, it's not a way to kind of, uh, we, we want people to play around with it, uh, and see how folks are playing with it. Uh, so that's really, I saw some mentions of the beta in the chat.

So, um, you know, you could select what level of permission and note that they're mirrored. So this means that if you give someone comment or. And they're looking at records that are editable in the interface. They're not going to be able to edit it because they do not have access. And that's also true for field or table permissions as well.

So if you're a table has a field or a table that can only be edited creator level or by specific users, those, uh, levels of permissions translate to the interface as well. So, uh, I think I answered that question. So, um, Matthew has a question around how can we create, uh, records? So, uh, I know that this is a limitation today.

Again, this is a beta, uh, not don't have visibility in when this might be fixed, but I found to work, work arounds. Uh, you could have a checkbox, so let's say I have a task. So create new task, a checkbox. And in automations, I create a, so when record matches conditions. So in my task table, when create new task is checked, go ahead and create a record in the task table.

Rachel, just create an empty. Uh, and let's say, I just want, uh, you know, named new task update. So that's one way, right? So let's turn this on. So this is create new task

and another, which is let's go ahead and add a grid. So that was one way, right? So now if I, uh, Add create new tasks as an editable field in that first database, in that first interface, sorry, I'm going to be able to create a new task automatically. And then the other way is, um, let's add a grid

and let's say that it is connected to the record picker and I want the task. Right. So this is for that project.

I think I just, I can, unconnect it. Let me just unconnected down to the task table and here I have a big plus button, right? So I can add a record directly from here. However, if you're filtering. Right. So I had it tied dynamically to a record. So these were one way of viewing the tasks. I can also say, uh, go to record picker and go to all associated tasks.

So that's my grid, right? So coffee, packaging, uh, this is the underlying, uh, task that I have for that specific project. And I could decide what that grid is, but because it's filtered. Add a record, so that's not available. So to be able to do that, you have to be at the table level. Whew. So it's unfiltered.

And then you have that quick add record, which you can do right there. So interfaces, man, it's big. It's going to be fun. Uh, let me see, are there any questions?

So I think the takeaway here. Um, understanding how filters can and cannot interact with certain elements and remembering that this is the first time in air table, that you can have apps or apps. You should have graphs. You can have charts, numbers associated to filters based on a dynamic input of the person looking at the interface.

So this is quite different from views where you. Pre-specify all of the information that you want here. It can be dynamic. It doesn't under effect, create views or do anything like that. Someone can just come in and be like, oh, I care about industrial design. Right. And I want to understand premier utility bike.

And then I have that information and I could do the work that I need. And if we go to our other one, if I am looking at this and I say, okay, Uh, you know, Colleen, I can go in and update and comment on records without having to worry about the underlying base. So this was a first look at interfaces. Uh, it's going to evolve a lot.

It's, uh, amazing, you know, just it's a new surface area on top of air table. Uh, I am promised to you all that I'm going to get better at building a beautiful interfaces. So I understand the theory, but I definitely need to work on my, uh, interface building skills. Uh, so yeah, and I think the only thing I'll leave you with is share your interfaces with me.

If you build something cool, uh, uh, give me, uh, give me a screenshot. I'd love to see it. Feel free to, uh, hide any information that you don't want you to. But, yeah, I can't, uh, um, I can't wait to see what you all built. So Ash, your question is, so the answer is no, uh, you can, if you invite today on the beta, uh, in the beta or, or this is how it is today, if you invite someone to the interface, you automatically have to decide what level of permission you give it to them in the underlying base.

Any other kinds. Peronist welcome to "Automate All the Things".

Hmm. Do you come to Table Talk tomorrow? If you have very specific questions, we're going to be spending another hour, uh, building out interfaces and they're going to be much nicer, uh, because, uh, yeah, cause I'm the I'm, I'm editing them. I'm not building them from scratch. So.

Cool. Okay. It seems like we got no questions for today. Well, I hope to see you all at Table Talk tomorrow. I hope that you have fun building interfaces, uh, uh, really appreciate you coming out, uh, next week on, uh, so I'm T I'm speaking at no-code comp, right? Uh, so I'm going to be at no code comp, uh, on next.

Thursday, I believe. There we go. So I'm gonna drop that link sessions. There we go. So I'm going to be talking about how I manage "Automate All the Things". Uh, how do you create a content pipeline on top of no-code tools to sync with Webflow and things like that. And I'll actually be back in two weeks. So not next week, the week after.

Uh, I'm going to show you how to, how I do it. So our behind the scenes, uh, into "Automate All the Things". Uh, so yeah, so I'm not going to be streaming next week. I'll be back in two weeks talking about, uh, walking through the, the, the actual practical piece behind how you build a CMS and a content pipeline on top of web flow air, table, Zapier.

Uh, and yeah, essentially how I manage the stream as a. So little streamer, but also have the help of folks like Colleen, Steven, and Ethan. So huge. Thanks to you all. Uh, yeah, that's it. I hope you enjoy interfaces how fun y'all and I'll see you all back in two weeks. Bye everyone.

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