No-code Talk #2

Another month, another no-code talk with Connor! We'll answer questions, show off a new tool and showcase a no-code project!



Aron: [00:00:00] Hey, Connor. Welcome to automate all the things. Thank you.

Connor: [00:00:05] Exciting. Number two.

Aron: [00:00:07] I know who would've thought we would make it to two, no code talks.

Connor: [00:00:12] That is true, but yeah, no, the first one was fun. So why not continue?

Aron: [00:00:18] Yeah. And we're also joined today by, by Connor, uh, and his squeaky chair. So the squeaky chair is still part of the stream.

Let us know in the chat. If you're joining us. Uh, we're going to jump into questions in about five minutes here. Uh, and it seemed like a lot of folks had questions. So now's a good time to go ahead and drop them in the chat. But, uh, Connor talked to a little about what's happened since the last month what's been on your mind.

Connor: [00:00:46] Well, oh, well, you know, it's been a busy month. I've been working on a lot of little projects. Um, but yeah, I mean, Other than that, I'm just being pumped for this conversation here. And,

Aron: [00:00:59] yeah. Awesome. So, uh, what we wanted to kind of chat about is, and I wrote about it in the newsletter today is, you know, Connor and I speak every week.

And, um, you know, last couple of weeks we've been kind of musing on if we had the capabilities. Uh, and if we had the skills. What would we build, uh, for as a no code tool, right? Like looking at the work that we do in the work that people ask us to do, uh, kind of what tool is missing in our toolbox. Uh, so I haven't told Connor what my answer would be in Connor.

Hasn't told me his. So I'm curious Connor what's, what's missing from your no-code toolbox.

Connor: [00:01:40] Okay. So I've actually got. Um, so first of all, just for a little bit of context, the main tools that I use used to build non-core projects that we have for your table Zapier. Um, and I think one, one problem that a lot of people have that use these tools is the just testing in general.

So you have to basically test your workflows and your website builds in production. And even though there are things like, um, Staging sites that you have with Webflow, um, for, for example, domain, um, it becomes incredibly difficult to test workflows for your example, Zapier or ear table. If you've got your web flow site, um, published, um, on two different types of domains.

And so a lot of the time, all we end up being able to do is to basically just test our sites in production, which. Isabelle Sophie, to be honest. Yeah. There's not like what they're doing is not like what the developers do. Let's be honest here. So, um, if I had to be, uh, create something for the, um, ear type of web flows, Zapier world, I would probably say building something that allows you to, um, hist your sites, your workflows, without having to publish it to a live site would be something that would be.

Incredibly useful. So that's toll number one. Does that make

Aron: [00:03:10] sense? Totally. Actually, I have a lot of stories at my old company where I would push things into production and then spend the rest of the day apologizing to everyone that the workflow didn't quite work the way you want. And I'm curious from your perspective, Uh, you know, is this just a question of each tool putting in a staging environment?

Or is this a question more of visibility? Right. So having one tool communicate to another, to say, Hey, when you're going to do this, and this tool is going to go ahead and trigger these other things. So just be aware of that.

Connor: [00:03:41] I mean, it can be a bit of both. I think anything in this space would be pretty useful at this point.

Um, I think the main issue is, is that a lot of the tools don't really work with each other in a testing environment. For example, when you use Zapier, it only recognizes your site ID. It doesn't recognize it's published too, right? That we put the IO domain and all that kind of stuff. So just the wave. Um, you to be able to potentially test your workflows just on domain would be just a huge step forward in basically being able to make sure that what you end up publishing to your lifestyle is up to par in terms of like the quality of what it is.

And you know, it's not really a problem when you're building out your MVP, but over time, as you start building out additional features, It can, I think it's quite common that you accidentally publish stuff that you didn't intend to publish you otherwise can't test your workflows inside of something like Zapier or Integra mat.

Aron: [00:04:49] Love it. Yeah, I totally agree. I putting out our feature requests to all no code tools, give us, give a staging or create a tool that gives us staging across all of our tools.

Connor: [00:05:02] So that's number two. Number two, and this is very specific to projects that I work on. So I build a lot of like marketplaces and directories and a lot of the no-code tools that are out there are not really set up for marketplaces, at least at the moment.

So, um, for example, transactional marketplaces where, for example, someone clips the ticket on payments and stuff like that, just there has been no tool for that. Um, unless you involve developers now, obviously. Stripe is working on the no-code version of connect, which I think will be an absolute game changer because especially as soon as they release a few end points, upgrade the, uh, um, Zapier integration, you'll be able to build, um, all sorts of directories where you can process payments and then just automatically pay out your, um, but there are a whole bunch of other use cases, um, that come up somewhat frequent.

That just don't have any good suitable tools out there. One of them is, and this is, this might seem very, very niche, but for example, coaching sites, the ability for you to book a calendar in one of the coach's calendars and process a payment. Um, and so at the moment, the only real work around with that is using Kayla.

But the problem is, is that I miss you upgrade to like a pretty expensive like Calendly team account it's um, you can only really embed the account leads and therefore you kind of get cut out of the actual transaction, which kind of doesn't make the marketplace. And so just because of how often I've come across that use case and projects that I've worked on, I'll probably work on that.

Aron: [00:06:49] Yeah. And I, I, that's pretty niche though. I have to say like that line between. A feature and a vertical, like, Hey, if you want to build these coaching marketplaces, just use our tool that we'll build it out from scratch instead of like, you know, collecting four or 5, 6, 7 tools to get it done. Right. And, um, so I think that's a line that most founders are kind of like, is this the tool?

Is this a feature of another tool, right? Yeah. Uh, um, and I think us as people who do this all day long, or especially you with marketplaces, you kind of find it. These areas. Right. Um, and so it's interesting that you would build essentially Calendly or like, sorry, your calendar payment integration that then gets embedded into other builds.

Connor: [00:07:37] Yeah. I mean, yeah, exactly. I mean, like it is incredibly niche. Um, I think it serves, especially the market. Like the no-code marketplace kind of, um, niche. And that in itself is still pretty small, but it's kind of evolving, but yeah, there's definitely something that is something that hopefully Kelly could work on at some point, because it has a lot of like use cases.

And, but I think in a way, like this is kind of, what's exciting about the no-code space is like it's a very emerging kind of industry, which means that all these use cases are saying to pop up and that kind of creates the opportunity. And create solutions for it. Yeah.

Aron: [00:08:15] But yeah, so mine is very different.

Yeah. Mine is, you know, and I was thinking about this, like, what is the biggest challenge that I have in terms of automation? And, uh, we had Sarah do on about two weeks ago and she showed us alloy automation. So check out, uh, I think it's run and, you know, I came into it thinking like, why do I need an e-commerce automation?

Like can I just use Integra mat or Zapier, but then she showed me how many end points the integrate with, with Shopify, which was over 150. So literally like person updates, information or person reaches the checkout page person is two days, you know, there's no limit to what those triggers are. And it kind of made me realize that like, I don't really need Zapier anymore.

Now personally, like as a content creator, Like I can either use air table automations for 95% of what I need, but what I would love is like Zapier for YouTube offers or Zapier for content creators. And what that is, is like integrates with the live API, lets me create a workflow around people, sending me a live stream chat, right.

And maybe putting those into my air table base, being able to reuse. Uh, past streams, right? There's so much kind of finicky stuff as a content creator that I would pay hundreds of dollars a month to automate, but Zapier kind of solves for that most popular use case, which is I want to upload a video to YouTube.

Right. And I could do that from air table, but I can't schedule a stream. I can't change a thumbnail. I can't update descriptions. I can't like block people or mute people or tweet a comment. Right. And all of those are so much more impressive to me as someone who has the kind of basics covered. So my kind of wish for no-code tools is more vertical, all automation tools, right?

So that might be a vertical automation tool for ads. Right. You run Google ads. I'm sure it's pretty hard to run from Zapier, right. Or Facebook or, or kind of rapport. Another might be e-commerce content creators. Uh, there's really kind of no limit to how you could slice and dice the knowledge worker, a person, if you will, or their jobs into their own kind of vertical automation tools.

So my request or my dream is that. Um, first for content creators. If anyone wants to create an automation tool around YouTube and Twitch and as content creators, you'll have your first two customers in myself and Connor, for sure. But I do think the future of automation is much more vertical. Uh, than we think, just because of their so many API APIs that needs to be integrated at such a level of depth and that people are willing to pay a lot of money for integrating five or six or seven API APIs that are very deep level and just kind of integrate with the rest of the surface level.

I really think that that's both the future and kind of my request for automation tools.

Connor: [00:11:32] Yeah. No, that makes absolute sense. And it sounds, yeah, I completely, yeah. Especially, I think the content creator one is really interesting because I agree like you can't really do that. Yeah. Much with Zapier beyond just uploading things.

A lot of the things that I have to do, I do manually like, um, like it just, doesn't like even sometimes the most basic workflows and Zapier and aren't that great. So, no, it makes sense. I definitely feel, especially considering the lack of ability to code for a lot of content creators, that would be something that'd be really good.

Aron: [00:12:05] Yeah, no, I totally agree. So those are our wishes. Let us know in the chat, what your requests are, and that'll be like kind of a way to put them into the ether. Connor and I are probably not going to be the people who, uh, who create these because we're no coders. And so we're not necessarily going to be able to bill all that stuff, but, uh, love the insights.

Okay, cool. So we actually have a lot of question. Uh, uh, coming up. So, uh, I saw Joe mentioned that he has some questions, so drop those in the chat. I do have a question from Kyle that I'm going to go ahead and kind of play here. So let's go down to my screen. So Connor, I'm going to share my screen with you.

There we go. Let me know that you can see my screen. Boom, should be good to go. Yeah. And we've got a question from Kyle. So let me just go ahead and play that. Boom. Kyle's got a professional setup, so it's nice.

Kyle: [00:13:03] Um, my question today is about aggregate data. Um, I've got a situation where companies are submitting a form and they're telling me about their, um, their employees.

And I want to then after they have, uh, submitted a form. Told me about other employees. I wanted then do a automation, uh, for all of the data that that's come in. Um, so I do a lot with document automation and Formstack documents specifically. Um, so I might need to take all of that information and then feed it into a, um, like take that aggregate information and feed it into an Excel spreadsheet.

Or maybe I'm generating a PDF report. Um, It might be, I might want to do it on the whole group. I might want to do it on like the subgroup. Maybe there's a, uh, you know, the companies, I want to say all the restaurants, I want to do a report on all the restaurants. And so then I, I run a report on restaurants, so, or, and then maybe I want to actually.

Loop through all of the records. Once I hit that button, I want to loop through all the records and generate individual reports for each, um, for each record and a report for the aggregate. So I'm wondering if you've run into anything like that. Is that a parabola thing? Um, air table, possibly. I don't know.

So, um, wanted to get your thoughts on that. So that is my question. Hopefully that makes.

Aron: [00:14:34] All right. Could folks hear that? I'm saying it might not be super strong cause I'm getting muted. So I'm just going to drop that link if anyone wants to hear it. But the question from Kyle is how do we work with, I'll say multiple records. So multiple inputs, uh, in a way that's a little more dynamic. So, uh, give me a thumbs up in the chat corner.

I'm gonna, I'm going to take this one if that's okay with you. Yep. Okay. Uh, okay. So folks who have heard it awesome. Kyle's question is really interesting. And, uh, unfortunately, or maybe fortunately the answer is there are multiple ways to work with multiple inputs. Uh, so Kyle, you mentioned that your data goes into air table, right?

So I'm going to assume that your database is air table and then talk about three ways of how you can work with multiple records at once. Um, so let's imagine that I want to go ahead and kind of aggregate. Every question, uh, that has that's been picked. Right? So let me go. I have a pick column here. Let's give like two or three of them, right.

And I want to maybe send an email to each one of those, or maybe I want to send an email to Connor before the stream aggregating. All of those records. Our challenge with Zapier is that it assumes that there's. A moment when this record is created, when picked is checked, it is confined to that record. So it only has information about the record and the challenges.

How do I work across records that have a certain criteria? Right? So in our case is going to be, answer has been picked. So this is the kind of criteria. So the first thing easiest way, and unfortunately the most. Is to use the fine records action in air table. So let's say that, uh, I want to go ahead and every morning, I'm just going to call this automation cause I'm bad at naming things, right?

So at a scheduled time, let's say every morning,

starting every one at 8:30 AM. I want to go ahead and find records, right? So then I can say, okay, go to our questions table and take the condition were picked is checked. So what that's going to do is going to return all three of these records. So let's run the test. It's going to return an array of records.

Okay. Boom. I've got my list of zero, which is the first record one, which is the second. Right? So this looks, if you're familiar with, you know, any kind of a, uh, coding, if you will, this looks like in array now you're kind of limited in what you can do after this, right? Because air table doesn't really work with arrays or just kind of this, if then, then, then that kind of framework.

What you can do though, is send an email. So the kind of most common use case, and one, you mentioned Kyle was, oh, I want to send a summary or an ascend, every single item in this list. Right. So I'm just going to kind of do an example here. So you can go, go to step two. You go to records and an insert records as a list or as a grid.

So let's add them in as a grid. I want to keep the name linked to video the question and the answer. If there is one insert. Oh, I need to configure all the fields. Okay. So let's just send it to myself.

It's going to be questions.

There we go. Why don't I have a run? Oh, do I have to run scheduled time?

Oh, I didn't connect the Gmail account.

Oh, no, I have to reconnect my g-mail account. Let's do this a little further away.

No problem. Classic. Okay. Boom. Okay. And I could preview the email, right? So this is one example. It's very limited where you could send the list of all the items. Right. So let me know if that kind of broadly, at least Kyle answers your question. So Connor, any thoughts on this before I continue down this long explanation?

So I

Connor: [00:19:20] actually use this, um, all my to do list as like a diary. Well, like, um, projects that I'm currently working on. And it seems that to me every Monday with like all the projects, I really like the way of doing it. One thing that I did want to know is, is it possible to get that grid, um, that you, so that Rena is HTML grid and in, and bid that into say a script, we use something like mailer scene or whatever it is to, um, seem to the transactional

Aron: [00:19:53] email.

Yes. So in that case. Right. So that's the next, uh, uh, uh, uh, oh, okay. Yeah. So his audio should be good now. Thanks for that. Sorry about that. Uh, uh, shoot, let me know if it's good now, so sorry about that. Uh, it's coming in twice. Your, you should be sounding good. I forgot to mute something there. Okay. I appreciate the notes.

Um, so your question is. Can we then take what's found in that array and do something else with it, right. Maybe send it to you, you, uh, uh, uh, send it to you. Uh, um, you mentioned mailer Lite or some transactional email, and that's actually the second option, which is run a script where you can image. The output of step two, or just kind of go to your base and say, get me every record that has picked equal checked, and then run a certain kind of step here.

So I'm not going to go through this, but this is an example where you can run a script and you can input from step to your array of records, right? So you can kind of input the HTML, but really just a list of records. Right. There's going to give you that array. And you could say record IDs like this, but this is very similar to kind of get going to that table and then doing a dot filter based on a certain criteria.

So that's just kind of saving you some. So the second way in, and I do encourage you kind of Jeremy, sorry, Kyle, if you're like, okay, we need to. Send some information to a third party. We need to automate this, this or that. It's actually quite easy within air table scripting to call APIs and do things like that.

So what I would recommend is check out, learn air table scripting. So you're able to write simple scripts that do that work on an array as an image. So that is the second way. So find records, send an email. You can run a script within that automation or at the click of a button, right. And then the last one, and I think the most no-code way, if you will, is to use a third party like parabola and Integra Matt.

And the reason I mentioned those two is because they work with erase. So an example of this, um, you mentioned kind of two things. You want to work on an array and you want. Uh, groupings or calculations on that array to say, take all restaurants. Some their revenue output, the sum as an email. And then, uh, kind of, uh, take every single restaurant and send an email to them as well.

So you can do that in parabola. So here's an example where it goes to Stripe. It does some math on everything it's pulled out of Stripe it, groups it by criteria, and then sends an email with the output of that format. But really it has this kind of a option to do whatever you want with your array as an image.

And you could run this on a schedule. You can run it on a web hook. So at the press of a button and things like that. So simplest air table find records, send email a little more complex air table plus scripting, and then third, no code, much more flexible, but is another tool that you're not using, which would be parabola.

So let me know, Kyle, if that answers your question and are there while we're kind of chatting about this Connor, any other questions? Let me know in the. No, that

Connor: [00:23:36] was very

Aron: [00:23:36] good. Very interesting. Awesome. Glad we helped. So I'm going to drop the link. If folks have questions for next month, I'm gonna go ahead and drop that boom.

Dropping that in the chat.

All right. Cool. Okay. So that was question of the month and I forgot to drop our agenda, man. I'm really forgetful today. So, boom. All right. We're now at the tool of the month and I'm I'm am I I'm doing this one, right? Connor man. I'm speaking a lot today. Okay. Yes. Awesome. Okay. Well, Kyle, I'm glad we helped you out.

Let's talk about this tool that I wanted to, to show to all of you, which is called . So our tool of the month, this month is pay table. And what I like about pay table is it actually solves a pain point that I had, uh, when I started out at no-code. Right. So I, uh, my first ever piece of content was this course called the essential guide to air table.

And in order for me to provide that course to everyone, I sold it on you to me, which was a very cheap, and I didn't make much money off of that, but then I thought, you know, it'd be really cool. Yeah. I could have a website where people can log in, watch through the course and I could capture their email.

And luckily that's where Joe came in and helped me build a T, uh, which has a beautiful front end. It's built with member stack. It has a web flow backend and an air table that syncs to web flow. Now that is five tools. It has air table, Zapier member stack, web flow, probably some parabola in there somewhere.

I would have loved to be able to take all of that and just monetize my air table base, where I was managing the course anyway. So that's where pay table comes in. So pay table is a way to monetize your air table bases without like five tools. It's literally one tool. So I'm going to show you the end product, right?

So let's just go kind of here. Let me go to share and I'll show you guys what it looks like. So let me go ahead and open it. So, this is my course, the air table base, where I managed my course. Right. It has every single lesson, what section it's in and you could buy it for $5 literally once you buy it, what it does is that it shows you the link where you can purchase the course, or we can watch the course.

So I'm going to drop this in the chat, right. And I might, I can probably drop it to $0 just to show you what it feels. So how does set this up is actually super easy. All you do is you kind of configure your page. So I'm using pay table. I have a let's call this essential guide to air table, and then I have buy my course.

Okay. Let's say I'll keep the color and it's $5. Save that. Cool. Now I have my page and it's ready to go. And then when people pay, I have to show them something different. Right. I have to show them what's in the course. And that's just a different view, right? So I just have a view with a YouTube link that you can go to, has access to the resources, gives you the status and the duration.

And all of this in the back end is just a different view that I've embedded into paint. So pay table is like the easiest way to monetize your air table basis. And it's perfect for someone who's like, oh, I just, I want to share a list of curated lists or I have a course and I don't want to set up, you know, a hundred, $150 website with member stack, air, table, Zapier parabola to sell that.

And this makes it super easy.

Connor: [00:27:43] Oh,

Yeah, that's a really great way to just get something up and running. I think like, you know, especially if you're kind of just trying to validate like a little course or even like, maybe you don't even want to do a course, but you've got like a bunch of resources that your curating, it's just a really nice way to get something up and running fast and to potentially charge a little bit of money for it.

So yeah, this is real.

Aron: [00:28:11] Yeah, it's actually really, I wouldn't say cheapest, not the right word, but you can make up to a hundred dollars before paying and, you know, pay table super new. So if you're using it and have any feedback, feel free to write to the founder, they're more than happy to help. And I'm kind of, I it's one of those things that I wish I had known pay table way before.

Cause it would've saved me such a headache, right. Uh, of how to. Set up. So there's a question from Jeremy, which is what is the cost of pay table. And let me just go and figure that out pricing. I think it's $12 after you've made a hundred dollars a month, right? So there's no fees.

Yeah. So. You know, it's, it's essentially 12 bucks a month. You can have up to 500, then you go up to $22 a month, past 500 and it's free for your first hundred dollars of revenue.

Connor: [00:29:20] Um, what exactly does one free product mean? Does it just mean one course or

Aron: [00:29:25] one table? Yeah, that's correct. That's my understanding.

So if I go into my dashboard,

right, I have one product. Which is the essential guide to air table, but I could potentially have multiple products and on the free plan, there's one. And then you can have a look, a little simple dashboard and huge thanks to Connor for being the only person to buy my course. And he, you know, it's, it means a lot, cause it's free.

On my website. And so refund, I can refund you. Do you want me to refund? Um, so very simple, very useful. So do encourage everyone to check out pay table as, uh, a kind of, uh, um, a simple way to get started and seeing whether your idea makes sense and whether people are willing to pay for it. And don't do like me and spend hundreds of dollars on, uh, um, Air table, Zapier parabola, uh, Webflow.

Before, you know, you have an idea, especially if your course is free, which is what I did. So

Connor: [00:30:32] hit the refresh button. See if you've got another one.

Aron: [00:30:36] Yeah,

Connor: [00:30:38] no Joe said he just bought it, but um, oh, that's funny.

Aron: [00:30:43] Joel. You'll send me your PayPal, me $5 later. No worries. You've you've given you've given me enough, Joe.

It's okay. I don't need, I don't need you buying my course. I appreciate all the help that you put in. Cool

Connor: [00:30:54] people just buying your course to test. If it works.

Aron: [00:30:58] That? Yes, I'm happy to. Okay.

Awesome. Okay. So Connor, you have our project of the month, uh, kind of talking to us. So every month we want to present a project that was built with no code. That's a little different maybe than what we're used to. And you wanted to kind of show off a project.

Connor: [00:31:22] Yeah. So Ben, um, from makeup had tweeted this it's boat by, and it's basically a marketplace where you can buy and sell boats.

And so it was created with software, uh, which is a toy. I haven't used myself yet, but I've heard a lot about and Zapier and air table. And so I suppose it's pretty self-explanatory you can basically browse for a directory of. And if, yeah, and if you have, um, 85 grand lying around and you're interested in buying a boat, then you can just click into the boat, get a bit more information and then reach out to the owner and you can see a contact form that's at the bottom, which is basically a way that the lead generation happens.

And this right here is like, I'm just a big fan of these kind of. Little niche marketplaces because to me, this really highlighted what is possible with no code now. So if you wanted to build something like this in the past, I mean, there'll be quite a lot involved with it. You'd have to get developers on board, all that kind of stuff.

Even with how I build my marketplaces, there's quite a bit involved with it, like getting it up and running and web flow and ear table and gluing it all together. But being able to like, just quickly spin something like this. And basically bringing something to market and a niche as specific as boats.

It's just awesome. And, um, so yeah, I just definitely wanted to shout this project out because it's just a really great example of what you can do with these tools now.

Aron: [00:33:03] Yeah. So I remember you kind of, you send it to me. Sent me, like, what do you think of this? And what's cool is that I instantly recognized that it was a air table.

Back-end cause you can see in the URL, there's, there's a record ID, right? Uh, and then if you actually go to the, for sale, it's actually an irritable attachment URL as well. So you can instantly see that it's kind of built on top of air table. And Lou really leverages that functionality, uh, that air table provides right out of the gate.

Right. And, and we did a stream on site. Uh, so Colleen, if you can drop a link in the chat where we built, uh, with Yohei, we built a, um, a kind of a list of startups that, uh, fun has invested in for their limited partners for the investors in the fund. And then we did that in about 45 minutes, right? So super easy, super simple way to, uh, create a marketplace with softer and air table.

Now, one thing I want to do kind of want to talk to you about is that. How do you, how do you think about, or what is your suggestion? Connor of like actually doing the transaction, right? Cause this is like 320,000 euros. I can't imagine people. Putting in their credit card for that amount. There's probably some due diligence.

There's probably legal things around where the boat is situated boating or international waters. Law is probably not a specialty of the creator of this marketplace. So for someone thinking about this, how would you approach that side of the market?

Connor: [00:34:39] Yeah. So I kind of feel specifically with marketplaces.

There's like a lot that you can overthink, um, when it comes to creating the transaction. Um, like I think a lot of people kind of get caught up in the payment or all that type of stuff, but really the value that you are, the lighting as a marketplace in the first instance is connecting people who are trying to sell something to people who are trying to buy something.

So if you want to get something up and running fast, You can basically do what they've done here, create a lead generation form. And if you want to monetize it straight off the bat, you can come up with revenue, share agreements with the people, listing their boats, because I assume that in this particular niche, if you are going to sell boats, you are probably going to have to find a handler who will basically connect you to buyers.

So in a way, all you need to do. In the first instance, or at least until you've created some transactions is to just create a lead generation form. And that's exactly what I did with the Unicon factory as well. When I sit that up, all it was was lead generation. You connect people with each other and then as soon as you start creating those transaction, then those values are then, uh, and that value for both the supplier side and that demand side, then it becomes a lot easier to actually implement it.

Pricing and business model into the platform. And so long story short, what they've done here is probably the exact way that I'd approach it for, um, you know, like an MVP.

Aron: [00:36:15] Yeah. Yeah. And I totally agree with you. I think this is a perfect example that I think they mentioned at the bottom of the website, like their job is not to sell the boat.

It's actually just to connect buyers and sellers. And you could imagine where a situation where you pay as the. Just to be on the marketplace, right? So you don't take 20% of the sale. Maybe you pay five, $600 a month just to list, right. If you're able to do those connections. Right. So it's not necessarily about taking a cut of the transaction.

You can also just take a monthly fee, which absolves you to an extent of the legal worries about selling boats online in different juries. So really a kind of perfect example of something that's simple, simple to get up and running and is only possible because of softer air table and where we are with no code today.

So really appreciate this project, Connor. It was great.

Connor: [00:37:14] Yeah. Also just a quick little note on this one. It's like, I think where people kind of get caught up is like, how do I actually process the payments? Honestly, uh, you can just come up with an agreement with the person who's boat, your listing, like a verbal agreement and say, Hey, if I find you a buyer.

This is how much you can pay me. And that way you can skip the entire building pot and the over-engineering part of your platform. And yeah, just simple and straight to the point is like the key with these things. And I feel like they've just really nailed that here.

Aron: [00:37:45] Yeah. And just everything on this stream is not legal advice.

So I'm saying that here, and I'm saying that forever all advice on this trip. Is not legal advice. It's not investment advice. I'm never going to give you an investment advice, but, uh, the takeaway is don't overthink it start small. If you sell one boat, that's probably a year's worth of revenue, uh, depending on where you live and how much you make.

But, uh, selling one boat would be a fantastic achievement. Uh, so on that, uh, I am not a lawyer. I, uh, I'm barely an air table expert, so definitely not a lawyer. Um, awesome. Anything, anything else folks want to kind of talk about? We are, we're kind of at the end of our agenda, anything Connor you wanted to chat about before we head off to next week,

Connor: [00:38:35] Joel has just lift, but I feel like this is a good opportunity to just make a shout out to the, um, fin suite team for the release yesterday.

With, um, their Chrome extension. So, um, they had a stream about it. So I would definitely just go and check it out, but basically they've shipped like nine months worth of features inside of Webflow and with their prime extension. And the cool thing about it is. It sits inside of the web for designer natively.

So it kind of looks like it's just part of web flow, which is amazing. And I think that they just went through the actual wishlist inside of workflow and just started ticking off all of those things. Um, I don't know if the Chrome extension. Live on in the Chrome store right now, you will actually have to go and check Kathy a stream and there's the Lincoln in the stream that will basically send you an invite to it, or, but it's amazing.

And like what they've done, like what, what we've been doing and like the wa in the Wipro community general is just like amazing. If you even just look at the note, um, the car. Um, but now just even stepping into like the product space and like really building some really useful features that a lot of people have been waiting for for a very long time is very, very, very exciting.

Aron: [00:39:59] I, I, I, me, I am lucky enough to just rely on Finn suite for all my front end. Right. Uh, I am extremely grateful for what they do. If I didn't have that, I would probably have to learn web flow from. Which I haven't, uh, and it looked awful, but I'm sure if I did, I would totally use this Chrome extension. So do you check it out?

I just dropped, uh, Jeremy the link in the chat. So I think that's a perfect place to end. I would recommend everyone to go watch that stream and go install the fin suite Chrome extends. And this was no co-talk number two Connor honor. Pleasure to have you on we'll be back next month. Uh, September 1st, Monday, first, Wednesday of, uh, uh, of September.

And, uh, it was a pleasure. Thanks, Ethan, Jeremy Coleen, Joe. I saw Ray Mar in here as well. Tommy. Appreciate all of you coming out. Uh, and I will see you all next time. With that have a great month. Have a great week. Bye. Bye y'all.

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